Torn from Her Arms is a heart-wrenching drama that tells the story of a mother and daughter's journey to reunite after being separated at the U.S. border. The film centers around the life of a young woman named Valeria, who is forced to flee her home country of El Salvador with her six-year-old daughter, Sofia, to escape the violence and persecution inflicted on them by a gang.

Upon reaching the U.S. border, Valeria and Sofia attempt to claim asylum and are detained by border authorities. Soon after their detention, they are separated, and Valeria is sent to a detention center in Texas, while Sofia is taken to a detention center in California.

Valeria's experiences in detention are traumatic, as she is subjected to harsh conditions, mistreatment, and separated from her daughter. Meanwhile, her young daughter Sofia is faced with her own set of challenges, adjusting to life in a new country and dealing with the trauma of being separated from her mother.

Determined to be reunited with her daughter, Valeria hires an attorney and pushes forward with her case for asylum. With the help of advocates, she is eventually released from detention and sets out to find Sofia. The mother and daughter's journey to reunite is not an easy one, but they find strength in each other and the love that binds them together.

The film beautifully captures the raw emotions of their separation, Valeria's struggle to navigate the complicated U.S. immigration system, and the mother and daughter's unwavering determination to find each other. Torn from Her Arms is an emotional and powerful story that sheds light on the challenges and injustices faced by immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S.

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