To Your Last Death is a 2019 animated horror movie directed by Jason Axinn. The story revolves around a group of siblings who are summoned to their father's office and offered a chance to inherit his fortune. When one of the siblings, Miriam, refuses to play along, she discovers that her father and the enigmatic Gamemaster are part of a sinister plot to use humans as pawns in a series of twisted games. The siblings are sucked into this world of deadly games where they are forced to face off against each other, but Miriam realizes that she is the only one who can stop this madness and save her family. With the aid of a mysterious stranger, she fights to stay alive and find a way to defeat the powerful Gamemaster. Throughout the film, viewers are treated to a blend of horror, suspense, and intrigue, interlaced with stunning visuals and a haunting musical score. Ultimately, To Your Last Death is a thrilling and pulse-pounding movie that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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