To A Moral Certainty Movie free online full

Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Resurrection Story

Drama  United States of America 

To A Moral Certainty is a documentary-style film that explores the question of whether the story of the resurrection of Christ is believable based on the standard of reasonable doubt used by the US justice system. The film features interviews with religious leaders, theologians, legal experts, and skeptics who share their viewpoints on the topic.

The representative for the Christian faith argues that the resurrection of Christ is the most compelling and convincing explanation for the events that occurred after his death. He points to the fact that many of the witnesses who claimed to have seen Christ alive after his death were willing to suffer persecution and even death for their beliefs, which he says indicates that they truly believed what they saw.

However, the skeptics in the film argue that the story of the resurrection is not supported by sufficient empirical evidence and that the witnesses' accounts are not reliable enough to be considered credible. They point out that many people in history have been willing to die for their beliefs, but that does not necessarily mean those beliefs are true.

Throughout the film, the interviewees provide various arguments for and against the plausibility of the resurrection story. The filmmakers also use visual aids and reenactments to help viewers better understand the historical context of the events in question.

Overall, To A Moral Certainty is a thought-provoking film that encourages viewers to question their assumptions and beliefs about the story of the resurrection.

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