Tin Toy Movie online streaming websites

Yearning for Play, Fleeting Baby Interest

Animation,Family  United States of America 

Tin Toy is a 1988 Pixar animated short film directed by John Lasseter and produced by Pixar Studios. The film follows the story of Tinny, a tin one-man band toy, who's initially frightened by a drooling and crawling baby who tries to play rough with him. As Tinny attempts to escape from the baby's grasp, he discovers the upsides of being played with, and the downside of being forgotten.

The film begins with the sound of a home movie being played, depicting a young boy getting a Tin Toy as a gift from his parents. The toy quickly becomes bored as the boy leaves it in the playroom, amidst other toys and stuffed animals. During his attempts to get out of the playroom, Tinny comes across the baby, who immediately becomes fascinated with him.

Tinny tries to run away, avoiding the baby's grabs and rough play, but eventually decides to let the baby play with him. Tinny entertains the baby by playing his tune, and it works for a brief moment, until the baby's interest shifts to other toys, leaving Tinny forgotten.

The film ends with Tinny in a state of despair, sitting on the floor and staring into space. Suddenly, he notices the boy from the home movie still sitting in the room. The boy picks Tinny up and starts playing with him, giving Tinny a newfound sense of purpose and joy.

Overall, Tin Toy is a heartwarming animated short film that showcases Pixar's ability to create intricate and engaging storylines in a short amount of time. The film also explores themes of identity and self-worth, highlighting the importance of feeling useful and valued in one's life.


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