The movie follows Brandon Miller (played by Jason Scott Lee), a TEC operative who is determined to use time travel to change the course of history for the better. He believes that the TEC has a moral obligation to use their technology to prevent disasters and tragedies before they happen, and improve the lives of people around the world.

However, Ryan Chan (played by Thomas Ian Griffith), another TEC operative and Miller's former partner, disagrees with his methods. Chan believes that changing history could have disastrous consequences, and that the TEC should focus on preserving the timeline as it is, even if that means allowing tragic events to occur.

Their disagreement comes to a head when Miller decides to travel back in time to prevent a terrorist attack in Berlin that killed his wife. Despite Chan's warnings, Miller uses his own equipment to make the trip, but arrives too late to save his wife. In the process, he unintentionally alters the timeline, causing a chain of events that threaten to destroy the future.

Now, Miller and Chan must work together to repair the damage and restore the timeline, while also dealing with their personal differences and the emotional fallout of Miller's loss. Along the way, they are caught up in a tangled web of conspiracies and hidden agendas, as various factions within the TEC and other organizations jockey for power and influence over the course of history.

Ultimately, Miller and Chan must make a difficult choice about the fate of the timeline, and the role that the TEC should play in shaping the future. The movie ends with a hint that this choice may have far-reaching consequences, setting the stage for potential sequels or spin-offs.

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