Time Of My Life Movie free websites

Friendship Tested: The Fight for Dignified Death

Drama  N/A 

The movie 'Tot altijd' (Time of My Life) portrays the lives of a group of friends in the 1980s who are facing the challenges of adulthood. They navigate through a tumultuous love life while enjoying their youth. Among them is Mario, who is the closest friend of Thomas, a recently graduated medicine student.

However, things take an unexpected turn when Thomas diagnoses Mario with Multiple Sclerosis, an incurable disease. The film portrays the devastating effects of the disease as it slowly deteriorates Mario's bodily functions and eventually, his mind. Despite this, Mario becomes a vocal supporter of the Belgian action group "Waardig Sterven" (Dignified Death), which fights for the right to euthanasia.

Thomas, on the other hand, is torn; he wants to save his friend, but he can't bear to see him suffer. The film delves into the complexities of friendship, morality, life, and death, and how they impact those in the midst of adversity. The story shows the challenges of individuals who face terminal illnesses, and how their friends and loved ones cope with the situation.

'Tot altijd' is a poignant and inspiring film that takes the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions. At its core, it is a tale of hope, love, and the power of friendship. It was directed by Nic Balthazar and stars Geert Van Rampelberg as Thomas and Koen De Graeve as Mario. It was released in Belgium in 2012 and has been well-received by audiences and critics alike.


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