The film Time Jumpers follows the life of a young man named Sam, who stumbles upon a mysterious, antique time machine device. Initially, he views the discovery as an exciting opportunity to explore different eras and gain a new perspective on historical events.

However, as he begins to experiment with the device, Sam discovers that the consequences of his actions could ripple through time, altering history in unforeseeable ways. He becomes addicted to the rush of time travel, using the machine to escape his troubled past and re-write his personal history.

As Sam jumps from one era to another, he begins to lose his grip on reality, struggling to distinguish between the real world and the alternate timelines he is creating. His behavior becomes increasingly erratic, leading to a dangerous confrontation with a group of time travelers who are determined to stop him from altering the course of history.

Ultimately, Sam must confront the consequences of his actions and make a difficult choice between living in the past or accepting the present and moving on with his life.

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