Time Changer is a Christian science fiction drama film released in 2002. The movie is directed by Rich Christiano and co-written by him and his brother Dave Christiano. The story takes place in 1890, where a devout Bible professor named Russell Carlisle (played by D. David Morin) has written a manuscript called "The Changing Times." Dr. Norris Anderson (played by Gavin MacLeod) is Carlisle’s colleague who believes that the book could ultimately change the course of future generations.

One night, Anderson invites Carlisle to his secret laboratory and shows him how to use his time machine. However, when Anderson suddenly suffers a heart attack, Carlisle panics and finds himself transported to the year 2000. In this strange new world, he encounters many bizarre and unfamiliar things, from fashion, technology, and entertainment to beliefs and values.

Carlisle's initial surprise and confusion gradually deepen as he discovers the harsh reality of the 21st century, which is far different from what he believed, known, or imagined. He sees that the moral and spiritual values have changed and eroded to the point of being wholly unrecognizable. As he tries to come to terms with these changes, Carlisle remembers the manuscript he was working on, which fiercely advocated for moral standards, family values, and religious principles. He realizes that what he has written could, indeed, change the future significantly.

As the movie progresses, Carlisle struggles to understand and adjust to this new world while trying to communicate his beliefs about morality and faith to people who have little or no interest in these values. He faces conflict when his book is published, and many people, including his publisher, reject it because they think it is a joke. Ultimately, Carlisle understands that the things he wrote about in his manuscript, such as ethics and values, are just as needed in the 21st century as they were in his own time.

In the end, Carlisle returns to his own era, with a newfound hope and faith in the power of his writing. He believes that his manuscript, instead of being an anachronistic relic of the past, carries the true message that can change lives and the world. This uplifting Christian movie imparts a thought-provoking message about the importance of faith and morality and the dangers of abandoning those values.

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