The movie Time Bandits follows the adventures of Kevin, a young boy who is fascinated by history and mythology. One night, he is surprised to find six dwarfs emerging from his closet. These dwarfs are former employees of the Supreme Being, who has tasked them with overseeing the creation of the world.

However, these dwarfs have stolen a map from the Supreme Being that shows the locations of portals through time. They use these portals to travel through history and steal treasures from various eras. They bring Kevin along with them on their journey.

The dwarfs take Kevin to various locations throughout history, including Ancient Greece, medieval Europe, and even the future. Along the way, they encounter famous figures such as Napoleon, Robin Hood, and Agamemnon.

As they traverse through time, the group is pursued by the Supreme Being, who wants to put a stop to their thievery. The group eventually finds themselves facing off against the evil sorcerer known as the "Evil One," who wants to take control of the universe.

In the end, Kevin and the dwarfs must confront the Evil One and restore order to the universe. Along the way, they learn important lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the consequences of their actions. The movie ends with Kevin waking up in his bedroom, unsure if his adventure was all a dream or if it actually happened.

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