Thunderpants is a British comedy film released in 2002, directed by Peter Hewitt. The movie tells the story of Patrick Smash (played by Bruce Cook), an 11-year-old boy with a unique talent for breaking wind. Patrick's uncontrollable flatulence leads him to become a social outcast in his school and community. However, his talent is discovered by a scientist named Ed (played by Simon Callow), who is working on developing a new fuel for rockets.

Ed sees Patrick's talent as an opportunity to create a new type of rocket fuel using methane gas, and he takes him under his wing. Patrick soon becomes famous for his ability to break wind on command and attracts attention from the media and the public. He meets a fellow misfit named Alan A. Allen (played by Rupert Grint) and the two become good friends.

However, Patrick's newfound fame also attracts the attention of an evil businessman named Johnson J. Johnson (played by Ned Beatty), who sees Patrick's talent as a way to make money. Johnson sets up a showbiz act with Patrick, but when it goes wrong, Patrick ends up on death row.

Alan hatches a plan to save Patrick and convinces Ed to use Patrick's talent to help him become an astronaut. Patrick eventually fulfills his dream of going to space and becomes a national hero.

Thunderpants is a quirky comedy that explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and perseverance. With its eccentric characters, non-stop fart jokes, and heartwarming moments, the film is a fun and memorable watch for both children and adults.

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