Thunderheart is a crime thriller film directed by Michael Apted and released in 1992. The film's story is set on the sprawling land of Badlands, South Dakota. The movie follows FBI agent Ray Levoi (played by Val Kilmer), a young, half-Sioux officer who is assigned to help investigate a murder that has occurred on a reservation in the area.

Initially, Levoi is reluctant to take the case as he has never been in touch with his Native American heritage. However, his trip to the reservation opens his eyes to the issues faced by the indigenous population. His arrival is met with suspicion by the local Sioux people, his own heritage, and also by the FBI agents already on the case.

As he delves deeper into the investigation, Levoi finds himself caught between the people he is trying to help and the FBI whose aims he is obliged to uphold. He discovers that the murder is linked to a corrupt tribal leader and a scheme to steal valuable uranium deposits from the reservation's land.

As Levoi uncovers the truth, he also has to come to terms with his cultural identity and the legacy of his people's struggle against oppression. Along the way, he forges a connection with a wise old medicine man named Grandpa Sam Reaches (played by Chief Ted Thin Elk) and a beautiful activist named Maggie Eagle Bear (played by Sam Shepard and Graham Greene, respectively).

The film effectively addresses issues of identity, heritage, and the struggle for justice faced by Native American people. Kilmer delivers a compelling performance as the character undergoes a transformation in his attitude towards his cultural roots. Furthermore, the movie boasts stunning cinematography by Roger Deakins, capturing the rugged beauty of the Badlands and the everyday life of the Sioux people.

Thunderheart is a gripping and thoughtful thriller that combines crime with social commentary on the importance of cultural heritage to identity.

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