Three Worlds follows the story of a man named John who participates in a groundbreaking scientific experiment that aims to explore the concept of parallel universes. During the experiment, John starts experiencing vivid memories and visions from two alternate lives he has lived in different realities.

In one world, John is a successful businessman with a loving wife and family, but he is also battling with guilt over a tragic accident that happened years ago. In another world, John is a struggling artist who is haunted by the memories of a failed relationship and a deep sense of loneliness.

As John navigates between these three worlds, he is forced to confront his past mistakes, face his inner demons, and ultimately come to terms with the reality of his own existence. The film delves into themes of identity, memory, and the nature of reality, blurring the lines between imagination and truth.

The story unfolds through a series of mesmerizing sequences that weave together the different threads of John's life, drawing the audience into a surreal and thought-provoking journey of self-discovery. As John grapples with the complexities of his three worlds, he must make difficult choices that will ultimately shape his destiny and determine the path he will take in the end.

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