"Though None Go With Me" is a Christian drama film based on the novel of the same name by Jerry Jenkins. The story revolves around Elizabeth Leroy, a young girl who is raised by her loving parents in a small town in rural America. Elizabeth is a devout Christian and is taught by her mother to always trust in God and follow her heart.

As Elizabeth grows up, she faces many trials and tribulations including the death of her father, the loss of her childhood love, and the challenges of entering the male-dominated field of law. However, through it all, Elizabeth remains faithful to God and continues to serve Him despite the hardships.

Throughout the film, Elizabeth's unwavering faith is put to the test as she struggles with personal relationships, work pressures, and the many twists and turns of life. But with the help of her community and stalwart faith, she perseveres and overcomes every obstacle that comes her way.

Overall, "Though None Go With Me" is a moving and inspiring film about the power of faith, perseverance, and the importance of following one's heart. It is a heartwarming story that will resonate with audiences of all ages and beliefs.

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