The redneck con artist, named Leggett, is played by actor and filmmaker Larry Buchanan. He moves to a small town in the Deep South and sets up shop as a preacher, using religion as a way to cover up his illegal moonshine-making operation. Leggett is aided in his scheme by a group of local bootleggers, but he also earns the ire of several other townspeople, including a local businessman and a rival moonshiner.

As Leggett's operation grows, he attracts the attention of a federal agent named Hutto, who is determined to put an end to his illegal activities. Hutto and his team begin to investigate the preacher's operation, using a variety of tactics to try to bring him down. Along the way, there are numerous clashes between Leggett, Hutto, and their respective allies.

Despite its somewhat silly premise, This Stuff'll Kill Ya! has gained a cult following over the years for its campy charm and colorful characters. In addition to Buchanan's lead performance, the film also features an eccentric supporting cast, including a blind fake faith healer and a snake-handling preacher.

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