The movie follows the story of Jukkalan, a tough and skilled bike messenger who is hired by two rival mob bosses to smuggle goods across the city. Jukkalan takes on the job to help her struggling mother, but quickly finds herself in over her head when she discovers that the packages she is delivering contain drugs and weapons.

As tensions rise between the two mob bosses, Jukkalan becomes caught in the middle and must fight her way out of dangerous situations. She is aided by her best friend, a street-wise thief named Dokya, and a handsome undercover cop named Richard.

As the conflict escalates, Jukkalan must rely on her strength, courage, and fighting skills to survive. The final showdown between the two mob bosses and their armies is a spectacular display of gunfire, fisticuffs, and high-speed bike chases.

In the end, Jukkalan emerges victorious, but not without facing the harsh realities of the criminal world she had unwittingly become a part of. This Girl Is Bad-Ass!! is a thrilling action-packed movie that showcases the talents of its cast and crew.

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