Watch This Film Is Not Yet Rated Movie imdb

Rating the Ratings: Uncovering Hollywood's Secrets

Documentary  United Kingdom,United States of America 

The documentary, released in 2006, takes a critical look at the MPAA's rating system and its impact on the film industry. Through interviews with filmmakers, studio executives, and former MPAA raters, Dick exposes the flaws in the current rating system and how it affects the marketing and distribution of films.

The film also investigates the secretive process by which the MPAA rates films, with raters being kept anonymous and their decisions often arbitrary and inconsistent. Dick hires a private investigator to uncover the identities of the raters and examines their backgrounds for any conflicts of interest.

One of the key issues that the film highlights is the MPAA's bias towards violence over sex. The rating system tends to give more lenient ratings to films with violent content, while sexual content is heavily scrutinized and can lead to an NC-17 rating, which severely limits a film's commercial viability.

Many prominent filmmakers, including Kevin Smith, Kimberly Peirce, and John Waters, are featured in the documentary, sharing their experiences with the rating system and advocating for more transparency and fairness in the process.

The film also includes several amusing and satirical segments, such as a mock MPAA rating board meeting where a group of puppets evaluate a film's content.

Overall, This Film Is Not Yet Rated is a thought-provoking and entertaining look at a flawed and often secretive aspect of the film industry.


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