Watch Third Eye Spies Movie English subtitles online

Psychic Space Unleashed: Unveiling America's Cold War Secrets

Documentary,History  N/A 

Third Eye Spies is a documentary film that explores the real-life story of two physicists, Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, who discovered the reality of psychic abilities. Their research into remote viewing, the ability to see things with the mind's eye that are beyond the reach of normal perception, was initially funded by the CIA during the Cold War era.

Through a series of experiments conducted at Stanford University, Targ and Puthoff proved that remote viewing was a legitimate phenomenon that could be utilized for espionage purposes. However, once the CIA got involved, the research was soon co-opted and its findings hidden from public view.

Despite the suppression of Targ and Puthoff's research, Third Eye Spies uncovers the truth about remote viewing and how it has been utilized throughout history. The film features interviews with Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson, Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and a number of other scientists and military personnel who were involved in the research.

Through their firsthand accounts, the audience learns how remote viewing has been used to gather intelligence about potential threats and even psychic operations during wartime. The documentary also explores the ethical implications of remote viewing and the dangers of psychic espionage.

In conclusion, Third Eye Spies is a fascinating and thought-provoking film that sheds light on a topic that has long been shrouded in secrecy. Through firsthand accounts from those involved, the documentary presents a compelling case for the reality of psychic abilities and their potential applications in the world of espionage.


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