There Will Be No More Night is a documentary film directed by French filmmaker Élie Klimos. The film takes an unflinching look at the horrors of modern warfare, using a combination of aerial images captured by drones and helicopters and ground-level footage recorded by military units in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.

The film features stunning visuals that capture the stark beauty of the landscape and the devastation wrought by years of conflict, from the burned-out husks of vehicles to the desolate ruins of once-thriving cities. At the same time, it also provides an unvarnished glimpse into the lives of soldiers on the front lines, as they struggle with the trauma of war and the toll it takes on their mental and emotional wellbeing.

Through these images, Klimos explores the question of how far our desire to see can take us, and whether the constant stream of information we receive about conflicts around the world has desensitized us to the violence and suffering that take place. Ultimately, There Will Be No More Night is a powerful and thought-provoking film that challenges us to confront the reality of war and its impact on those who fight it, as well as those caught in the crossfire.

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