The Woods is a horror movie set in 1965 New England. The story follows a troubled teenage girl named Heather who is sent to an isolated all-girls boarding school by her estranged parents. The school is located in the woods, far away from civilization, and is run by a strict headmistress named Ms. Traverse.

Heather struggles to fit in with the other girls at the school and feels like an outcast. She also starts experiencing mysterious happenings in the woods surrounding the school. She begins having vivid nightmares and seeing strange creatures in the forest.

As Heather tries to unravel the mystery of the woods and the strange occurrences, she starts to suspect that the school and its staff are hiding dark secrets. She discovers a forbidden romance between two of her classmates and uncovers a hidden room in the school filled with occult artifacts.

As the supernatural occurrences escalate and Heather becomes more isolated, she must confront her own inner demons and fight for her survival against the mysterious forces threatening her in the woods.

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