The Wizard of Gore is a horror film released in 1970, directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis. The film follows a TV talk-show hostess named Sherry Carson and her boyfriend, Jack, as they investigate a mysterious and shady magician named Montag the Magnificent (played by Ray Sager).

Montag performs gory illusions on stage, where he seemingly mutilates and kills his volunteers. But to the audience's surprise, the volunteers are always unharmed. Sherry and Jack are skeptical about the authenticity of Montag's illusions and suspect that he might be using some kind of mind control to hypnotize his volunteers.

As they dig deeper into Montag's background, they discover that he is not just an ordinary magician; he has the ability to manipulate people's thoughts and actions through hypnosis. He has been using his powers to create gruesome illusions on stage, and the volunteers are actually hypnotized to believe that they are being mutilated. In reality, they are unharmed and under Montag's control.

As the investigation unfolds, Sherry and Jack become entangled in Montag's twisted world, and they must find a way to stop him before he goes too far. The film is notorious for its graphic and bloody scenes, and it is considered a cult classic among horror fans.

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