The Witch in the Window is a horror movie directed and co-written by filmmaker Andy Mitton. The movie centers around Simon (played by Alex Draper) and his son Finn (played by Charlie Tacker) as they try to flip an old farmhouse in rural Vermont. From the start, they realize that the house has a dark history and is haunted by the ghost of Lydia (played by Carol Stanzione), a previous owner who died in the house under mysterious circumstances.

As Simon and Finn begin to make repairs to the old farmhouse, they soon realize that Lydia's spirit is becoming more powerful and malevolent with each passing day. They try to uncover the truth about Lydia's death and why her spirit is so angry, but their investigations only seem to make things worse.

The movie creates a sense of fear and tension through its atmospheric setting, eerie cinematography, and haunting score. The performances of the cast, especially Alex Draper and Charlie Tacker, are strong and authentic. The Witch in the Window also presents interesting themes about family relationships, grief, and the consequences of our actions.

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