The Wishmas Tree is an animated adventure film set in the mythical town of Sanctuary City. The film follows a young possum named Kerry, who yearns for a white Wishmas, but unwittingly uses a magical wish-granting tree to freeze her entire town. Realizing that she must fix her mistake, Kerry embarks on a perilous journey into the Wild, a dangerous and mystical forest, to find a way to save her home and undo the damage she has caused.

Throughout her journey, Kerry is accompanied by a colorful cast of characters, including a wise old hermit crab, a crafty fox, a mischievous platypus, and a brave bird of prey. Together, they must navigate through treacherous terrain, battle fierce predators, and confront their deepest fears if they hope to save Sanctuary City from extinction.

The film is packed with heartwarming themes of friendship, courage, and redemption, as well as breathtaking animation and unforgettable music. It is a must-see for fans of fantasy, adventure, and family-friendly entertainment.

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