The Way You Look Tonight

Romance,Fantasy  N/A 

The Way You Look Tonight is a romantic comedy directed by John Cerrito and released in 2019. The film follows Peter (Nick Fink), a 29-year-old struggling to find love in the modern dating world. After a chance encounter with a mysterious woman named Nadia (Baize Buzan), Peter becomes obsessed with finding her again.

Desperate to find his perfect match, Peter turns to a dating site that claims to use advanced algorithms and compatibility tests to find his soulmate. The site, called Perfect One, seems to have all the answers - but with each date, Peter realizes that each woman he meets bears an uncanny resemblance to Nadia.

As Peter delves deeper into the mystery, he discovers that Nadia and the other women are all members of a secret organization that uses advanced technology to create perfect matches for their clients. Through this organization, Peter is introduced to a whole new world of people and experiences that challenge his understanding of identity, attraction, and love.

As he navigates this new reality, Peter must make a choice between following his heart and embracing this new way of dating, or sticking to his old ways and risking missing out on true love. With its clever plot twists and witty dialogue, The Way You Look Tonight is a fresh take on the rom-com genre that explores the challenges and complexities of modern dating.

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