The Wave is a psychological thriller that follows the story of Frank, a successful lawyer who is preparing for a big promotion at his firm. Feeling the pressure to succeed, Frank is introduced to a new designer drug called "The Wave" by a coworker at a party.

After taking the drug, Frank's perception of reality begins to unravel as he experiences vivid hallucinations and intense paranoia. As the drug takes hold, he begins to see people and situations in a new light, and his past and present become blurred.

As his grip on reality slips away, Frank uncovers a web of lies and deceit that has been surrounding him his entire life, including his marriage, his career, and even his identity. He must struggle to hold on to his sanity and make sense of the confusing world around him before it's too late.

With stunning visuals and a mind-bending plot, The Wave is a thrilling exploration of the dangers of addiction and the fragility of our perceptions of reality.

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