The film follows the story of a young girl named Hannah, who is played by Lauren McQueen. Hannah is a seemingly normal teenager living in an English town, but as the film progresses, it becomes clear that she is struggling with a number of different issues.

Firstly, Hannah is going through a sexual awakening, which is causing her a great deal of confusion and anxiety. She feels unsure of herself and her identity, and is unsure how to navigate the complicated emotions and desires she is experiencing.

In addition to this, Hannah is also dealing with controlling parents, who are determined to mold her into the perfect daughter. They monitor her every move, criticize her constantly, and try to control every aspect of her life.

As a result of all this emotional turmoil, Hannah begins to develop an eating disorder. She starts to refuse food, and her already-thin frame begins to waste away. Her parents are initially dismissive of this, thinking it is just a phase, but as Hannah becomes increasingly frail, they begin to realize the severity of the situation.

However, things take a turn for the strange when a ghostly figure appears to Hannah in the middle of the night. This ghostly apparition haunts her, taunts her, and makes her feel as though she is losing her grip on reality. But is the ghost real, or is it simply a manifestation of Hannah's starvation-induced hallucinations?

The Wasting is a dark and haunting film that explores the complex intersection of adolescence, mental illness, and the supernatural. With its powerful performances and haunting cinematography, it is an unforgettable exploration of one girl's struggle to come of age in a world that seems determined to break her.

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