The Wandering Earth Movie streaming free

Journey to a New Home: The Wandering Earth

Science Fiction,Action,Drama,Comedy  China 

The Wandering Earth is a Chinese science fiction film released in 2019. The movie is set in the future when the Sun has become a Red Giant and is expanding at a rapid pace. This threatens to destroy the Earth, and humanity is left with no option but to find a new home. The solution that the scientists and world leaders come up with is to construct massive thrusters and engines that will propel the Earth out of the Solar System and take it to a new location.

This idea is known as the "Walking Earth" project, and it has been in the works for several decades. The movie centers around Liu Qi (played by Qu Chuxiao), a young man whose father sacrificed himself to help build the engines. Liu Qi's father was a hero, and his memory spurs Liu Qi to become an astronaut himself. Despite being rejected from the astronaut training program, Liu Qi is determined to help his family and save humanity.

As the Earth begins its journey through space, problems arise. The engines have to be shut down periodically to avoid overheating, and this leads to massive earthquakes and tsunamis. The Earth also encounters a rogue planet that sends it on an unpredictable course and puts the mission at risk of failure. Liu Qi and his team of astronauts must work together to overcome these challenges and ensure that the Earth reaches its new home safely.

The Wandering Earth was a box office success in China and has been praised for its special effects and ambitious storyline. It is based on a novella by Liu Cixin, the author of the science fiction novel "The Three-Body Problem."


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