The Village is a psychological thriller directed by M. Night Shyamalan and released in 2004. The main character, Lucius Hunt (played by Joaquin Phoenix), is a young man who lives in a small, isolated village in Pennsylvania that is surrounded by a dense forest. The villagers strictly adhere to a set of rules and customs that have been passed down from generation to generation, including a prohibition on leaving the village and entering the woods beyond.

Despite the warnings of the village elders, Lucius becomes increasingly curious about the outside world and decides to venture into the woods to seek help for a critically ill villager. However, after encountering a terrifying creature, he returns to the village with his newfound knowledge that their seclusion is not due to living in the 19th century, as they had been led to believe, but rather a carefully orchestrated plan by the elders to protect the village from the violent and chaotic outside world.

As tensions build within the village, a series of shocking incidents take place that force the villagers to confront their deepest fears and secrets. With a cast that also includes Bryce Dallas Howard, William Hurt, Sigourney Weaver, and Adrien Brody, The Village is a haunting exploration of human nature and the lengths people will go to protect their own.

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