The VelociPastor is a 2018 action-comedy film directed by Brendan Steere. The story follows Father Doug Jones, played by Gregory James Cohan, a young priest who is experiencing a crisis of faith after the death of his parents. He travels to China to find answers and accidentally inherits the ability to turn into a dinosaur after being scratched by a mysterious object.

At first, Father Jones is horrified by his newfound power and confides in a local prostitute, Carol, played by Alyssa Kempinski. She convinces him to use his ability to fight crime and injustice in the city. The two team up to take on a gang of ninjas who are terrorizing the city.

As they battle the ninjas, Father Jones starts to embrace his inner dinosaur and becomes more confident in his crime-fighting abilities. Along the way, he also has to confront his beliefs and decide if his new power is a blessing or a curse.

The VelociPastor is a hilarious and over-the-top movie that blends action, comedy, and B-movie style horror. It has become a cult classic and gained a following for its absurd premise and campy humor.

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