The Uninvited Guest is a psychological thriller directed by Guillem Morales. The film stars Andoni Gracia as Félix, the protagonist and Monica López as Ana, Félix's ex-girlfriend. The movie takes place in Félix's large mansion in Barcelona, which he inherited from his parents. After his breakup with Ana, Félix lives alone in the mansion.

One night, while Félix is alone at home, a stranger knocks on his door asking to use his phone. Félix allows the stranger to come in and use his phone, but as he waits in the kitchen, the stranger disappears without a trace. Félix becomes increasingly paranoid and begins to believe that the stranger is still in his house, hiding from him.

As Félix searches his house, he discovers hidden rooms and secret passageways. He becomes obsessed with finding the stranger, who he believes is a parasite living in his space. Félix's mental state deteriorates as he becomes more and more convinced that there is someone else in his house.

Throughout the movie, the audience is left wondering if Félix is truly going insane or if there really is someone else in his house. The Uninvited Guest is a haunting and suspenseful film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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