The Ungodly is a psychological thriller film that was released in 2007. As the synopsis describes, it follows a struggling filmmaker named Mickey Gravatski who accidentally captures footage of a notorious serial killer in the act of murdering his latest victim.

Rather than turn the footage over to the police, Mickey decides to use it as leverage to get the killer to participate in a documentary he's been trying to make about violence and the human psyche. However, the more contact he has with the killer, the more Mickey begins to question his own morality and sanity.

As the filming progresses, Mickey's obsession with the killer grows, and his life spirals out of control. The killer, known as the "The Maestro," is revealed to be a highly intelligent and manipulative psychopath who delights in tormenting his victims and making them suffer before ultimately killing them.

The film is a dark exploration of the human psyche and the blurred lines between good and evil. It features strong performances from its cast, including Wes Bentley as Mickey and Mark Borkowski as The Maestro. The Ungodly is a disturbing and intense film that is not for the faint of heart.

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