The Undertaker is a horror movie that follows the story of a lonely undertaker named Edgar who has a disturbing obsession with death. His morbid fascination leads him to kill various individuals in his community and use their corpses to populate his rundown funeral home.

Edgar sees his victims as potential friends and takes great care in preparing their bodies for their final resting place. He talks to them as if they were still alive and even goes so far as to arrange them in lifelike positions throughout the funeral parlor.

As the bodies continue to pile up, Edgar's unsettling behavior becomes more apparent to those around him, including a nosy journalist who begins to investigate the increasing number of deaths in the area.

As Edgar's grip on reality starts to slip, he becomes more erratic and unstable, leading to a gruesome and shocking finale.

The Undertaker is a chilling and disturbing look into the mind of a deranged killer and the lengths they will go to fulfil their twisted desires.

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