The Trump Prophecy is a Christian drama film released in 2018, directed by Stephan Schultze, and written by Rick Eldridge and Jimmy Hager. The film features the true story of Mark Taylor, a former firefighter from Orlando, Florida, who claims to have received a message from God in 2011, predicting Donald Trump's presidency while he was still a candidate.

Mary Colbert, a Christian networker, shares Taylor's message with others, and it becomes the catalyst for a nationwide prayer movement. As Trump's presidential campaign picks up steam, the movement continues to grow, drawing support from people from different backgrounds, including faith leaders, military personnel, business owners, and everyday citizens. The film follows Taylor and Colbert as they navigate the electrifying events of the 2016 presidential election and the subsequent aftermath, with interviews from prominent figures in various fields offering perspectives on America's future.

The Trump Prophecy is a faith-based film that advocates for a return to traditional Christian values and a reliance on divine intervention in political affairs. However, it has faced criticism from some viewers who have accused it of being politically biased and using religious language to promote a particular political agenda. Despite this, it remains a provocative and thought-provoking exploration of the role of religion in American politics and the power of prayer to effect change.

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