The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is a gritty and suspenseful story of three men who set out on a quest for gold, but end up facing much more than they bargained for. Fred C. Dobbs (Humphrey Bogart) and Bob Curtin (Tim Holt) are two American drifters who are struggling to make a living in Tampico, Mexico. They meet an old prospector named Howard (Walter Huston) who has spent years searching for gold in the nearby mountains.

Dobbs and Curtin are initially skeptical of Howard's claims and don't trust him, but when they see the amount of gold he's able to find, they decide to team up with him. They spend months traveling through the mountainous terrain, surviving harsh weather conditions and frequent attacks from bandits.

As they begin to accumulate more and more gold, tensions rise between the three men. Dobbs becomes increasingly greedy and paranoid, convinced that the others are plotting against him. He becomes more and more ruthless, willing to kill to protect his share of the gold.

In the end, the greed and paranoia of Dobbs leads to tragic consequences for all three men. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is a classic tale of greed and its destructive power, and is regarded as one of the greatest films ever made.

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