The Toll is a 2020 thriller film directed by Ryan Andrew Hooper. The film features a tense and suspenseful storyline that revolves around Brendan, a toll booth operator in Wales who has been hiding in the quietest booth in the country to escape from his troubled past. However, his peaceful life takes a dark turn when he is suddenly discovered by his enemies, who are seeking revenge.

Brendan's enemies are a gang of ruthless criminals who are determined to find and eliminate him. When they discover that he is hiding in the toll booth, they head west to track him down. As they get closer to Brendan, the tension builds and the stakes are raised.

Meanwhile, local traffic cop Catrin is investigating a seemingly simple robbery that appears to be connected to Brendan's past. As she delves deeper into the case, she eventually ends up at the toll booth at the same time as Brendan's enemies. With their lives on the line, Brendan and Catrin must work together to fight off the attackers and uncover the truth behind the robbery.

The Toll features a talented cast, including Michael Smiley as Brendan, Annes Elwy as Catrin, and Iwan Rheon as the leader of the gang of criminals. The film has been praised for its tense and gripping storyline, as well as its beautiful cinematography that captures the stunning Welsh landscape. The Toll is a must-see thriller for fans of the genre and anyone looking for an exciting and suspenseful ride.

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