Brandy Klark, a straight-A high school graduate, is determined to be more sexually experienced before starting college. She decides to create a "To Do List" of all the sexual experiences she wants to accomplish before starting college. With the help of her best friends, Cameron and Fiona, Brandy sets out to check off every item on her list before college orientation.

As she starts to explore her sexuality, Brandy realizes that some of the sexual experiences are not as easy as she thought they would be. She begins to question the cultural expectations placed on young women and the pressure to be sexually experienced.

Throughout the movie, Brandy confronts societal norms and expectations about sex, relationships, and friendships. She also discovers that her true friends are the ones who support her, even if they don't agree with everything on her list.

By the end of the summer, Brandy learns that being sexually experienced is not the key to happiness or self-worth. She realizes that she should be true to herself and not let societal pressures dictate her choices.

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