The Tiger Who Came To Tea is a British animated television adaptation of the popular children's book written by Judith Kerr. The story follows a young girl named Sophie and her mother, who are planning on going to the park on a rainy day, but are instead visited by a talking tiger who claims to be hungry and asks to join them for tea.

Despite their initial reservations, Sophie and her mother invite the tiger inside and offer him food and drink. The tiger eats everything in sight, including all the sandwiches, cookies, and cakes, as well as drinking all the tea in the pot and draining all the water from the tap.

As the tiger continues to eat and drink, Sophie and her mother worry that they will run out of food and drink and become hungry themselves. However, when the tiger finishes his meal and leaves, he mysteriously replenishes everything he had consumed, leaving the house as it was before he arrived.

The Tiger Who Came To Tea has been beloved by generations of children since its publication in 1968, and the animated adaptation has been praised for its faithfulness to the original text and its charming animation style.

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