The Three Wise Men, also known as The Three Gifts or The Gift of the Magi, is a 2003 animated Christmas television film produced by Nest Family Entertainment in association with Rich Animation Studios. The film tells the story of the three wise men as they journey to Bethlehem to bring gifts to the newborn king, Jesus Christ.

Narrated by Andy Griffith, the film features a cast of talented voice actors, including Kathy Bates, Martin Sheen, and Adrienne Barbeau. The film is notable for its use of rhyming narration, which gives the story a lyrical quality, and for its beautiful soundtrack of holiday carols performed by The Brothers Cazimero.

The film follows the journey of the three wise men, named Melchior, Balthasar, and Gaspar, as they travel across the desert, guided by a bright star in the sky. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles, including sandstorms, bandits, and a treacherous river. But they persevere, fueled by their faith in the promise of a new king who will bring peace to the world.

When they finally arrive in Bethlehem, they are greeted by a humble stable, where they find the baby Jesus lying in a manger. Overcome with emotion, they offer their precious gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and kneel in worship before the baby. The film ends with a message of hope and the promise of Christmas, as the wise men return to their homes, transformed by their encounter with the newborn king.

Overall, The Three Wise Men is a charming and heartwarming Christmas film that is sure to delight audiences of all ages. With its beautiful animation, engaging storytelling, and uplifting message of faith, it is a classic holiday tale that is sure to become a family favorite for generations to come.

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