The Thief Collector is a true crime documentary that delves into the shocking theft of Willem de Kooning’s “Woman-Ochre” from the University of Arizona Museum of Art in 1985. The film features interviews with key players in the case, including museum staff, investigators, and art experts.

The documentary explores the mystery surrounding the theft and the tireless efforts to recover the stolen masterpiece, which had been missing for over three decades. The film also explores the background of the painting and the significance of de Kooning’s work in the art world.

The Thief Collector takes viewers on a journey through the American Southwest, where the painting was ultimately discovered in the home of an elderly couple who had been living with it for years. The film examines how such a valuable piece of art could have fallen into the hands of a seemingly unsuspecting couple and the legal battle that ensued.

Overall, The Thief Collector is a fascinating look into the high stakes world of art theft and the incredible efforts that go into recovering stolen works of art.

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