The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a classic horror movie from 1974 directed by Tobe Hooper. The film follows five friends who are travelling through rural Texas to visit their grandfather's home. Along the way, they pick up a sinister hitchhiker who terrifies them and then assaults them with his razor blade.

After getting lost in the countryside, the friends come across a decrepit farmhouse that is inhabited by a family of cannibalistic grave robbers. The family includes the monstrous Leatherface, a large man who wields a chainsaw, and his insane relatives who indulge in gruesome acts of violence.

As the group of friends tries to escape from the clutches of the family, Leatherface and his kin pursue them relentlessly, killing them off one by one in a brutal and terrifying fashion. The movie is known for its shocking imagery and intense violence, which established it as a cornerstone of the horror genre and a cultural touchstone for decades to come.

Despite its controversial subject matter, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has remained a beloved and influential movie, inspiring countless imitators and sequels. Its portrayal of a primal, terrifying evil lurking in the heart of ordinary people continues to resonate with audiences to this day.

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