The Terror of Batignolles follows the story of a struggling artist named Mathieu who lives in a rundown apartment in the bohemian neighborhood of Batignolles in Paris. Mathieu becomes obsessed with a mysterious woman named Elise, who he sees roaming the streets at night. Elise is rumored to be a ghost, haunting the neighborhood with her presence.

As Mathieu's obsession with Elise grows, he becomes increasingly paranoid and delusional, believing that she is a malevolent force intent on destroying him. His friends and fellow artists try to intervene, but Mathieu's descent into madness continues unchecked.

The film is filled with haunting visuals, distorted perspectives, and exaggerated performances, all hallmarks of German Expressionist cinema. The audience is never quite sure what is real and what is imagined, blurring the line between perception and reality.

Ultimately, The Terror of Batignolles explores themes of artistic obsession, mental illness, and the power of perception. It is a darkly comedic satire of bohemian life and the dangers of unchecked passion.

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