"The Taint" is a low-budget indie horror-comedy film created by Drew Bolduc and Dan Nelson. The movie's plot revolves around a toxic water supply that contaminates a small town and turns the male population into raging misogynists.

The story follows Phil O'Ginny, who, due to his isolation and lack of exposure to the tainted water, hasn't transformed into a violent monster. When he comes across Misandra, a badass woman who is immune to the effects of the Taint, they team up to fight against the horde of enraged men.

The film is a satire of both toxic masculinity and post-apocalyptic narratives, with a gleeful embrace of over-the-top violence and cartoonish gore. The movie features a variety of strange characters and bizarre situations, such as a group of women who have taken over a strip club and turned it into a fortress against the aggressive men.

"The Taint" has gained a cult following for its subversive humor and creativity, despite its low-budget production values. It's definitely not a movie for everyone, but fans of horror-comedy and exploitation cinema will find plenty to enjoy in this weird and wild ride of a film.

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