The Subject

Drama  United States of America 

The Subject follows Daniel, a successful white documentarian who captured the murder of a Black teen on tape, leaving him with guilt and a sense of responsibility to use his platform for justice. However, his previous film's release caused major controversy and backlash, leaving Daniel's career and reputation in disrepair.

As he attempts to move on by filming a new documentary series about police brutality, he is constantly shadowed by an unknown stalker who starts to capture Daniel's every move on tape, letting him know that he is being watched. As Daniel becomes increasingly paranoid and fearful of the potential consequences of his past actions, he begins to question whether the watcher has more nefarious motivations at play.

The tension and stakes grow as Daniel delves deeper into his current project, exposing the corruption and brutality present within law enforcement, while also trying to uncover the intentions of the person following him.

As the documentary series rises to national attention, Daniel must confront both his past and present actions in order to protect himself and the truth from those who wish it silenced. The Subject explores themes of accountability, justice, and the consequences of taking action or remaining idle in the face of systemic racism and injustice.

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