The film is set in contemporary China and showcases the struggles of rural women. Qiu Ju's husband, Wan Qiyu, gets kicked in the groin by the village chief, and Qiu Ju sets out on a quest for justice. She is determined to seek compensation for her husband's pain and suffering, as well as for the medical expenses that he has incurred. Qiu Ju's determination to get justice for her husband becomes a long and arduous journey, taking her to the city where she encounters bureaucratic obstacles, blatant corruption, and indifference from the authorities.

Throughout the film, Qiu Ju is portrayed as a strong-willed and independent woman who refuses to give up her fight for justice despite being pregnant and facing numerous obstacles in her path. Her interactions with the city officials, doctors, and lawyers offer a glimpse into the complex workings of China's bureaucratic system, which often favors the rich and powerful.

The Story of Qiu Ju is a powerful commentary on the plight of rural women in China and the challenges they face when seeking justice. The movie won numerous awards, including the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, and is considered to be one of Zhang Yimou's best works.

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