The Stolen Years is a thrilling and dramatic movie that follows the story of two college students, Pablo and Miguel, who are arrested for painting revolutionary graffiti on the university walls. They are thrown into a harsh prison camp where they suffer from brutal treatment and torture.

One day, they manage to escape from the camp and flee to Madrid where they meet two American girls, Lisa and Diana. They decide to disguise themselves as rich young men who are showing Spain to the two tourists and plan to make their way to France.

As they travel together, they face numerous challenges and obstacles, including police checkpoints, suspicious locals, and their own growing feelings for each other. Throughout their journey, they discover more about themselves and each other, and find strength and hope in their shared struggles for freedom and justice.

The Stolen Years is a powerful and thought-provoking movie that touches on themes of political repression, friendship, love, and the struggle for social change. It features stunning scenery and excellent performances from the cast, including the talented young actors who play the lead roles. Overall, it is a must-see film that will captivate audiences with its gripping story and inspiring message.

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