The Stepford Wives is a 2004 American science fiction comedy-drama film directed by Frank Oz and starring Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Bette Midler, Christopher Walken and Glenn Close. It is based on the 1972 novel of the same name by Ira Levin.

The story follows Joanna Eberhart (Nicole Kidman), a successful television executive who moves with her family to the seemingly perfect town of Stepford, Connecticut. However, she soon discovers that the women of Stepford are all impossibly beautiful and obedient - in fact, they seem to be robotic versions of their former selves. Joanna starts to investigate and gets help from Bobbie Markowitz (Bette Midler), a free-spirited writer who also recently moved to Stepford.

They discover that the husbands of Stepford, led by the charismatic Mike Wellington (Christopher Walken), have been replacing their wives with advanced robotic versions that are programmed to be perfect housewives and lovers. Joanna's husband, Walter (Matthew Broderick), has also been recruited to the group and is planning to replace her.

Joanna and Bobbie must race against time to uncover the truth about Stepford, before Joanna is replaced with a robotic version of herself. The film tackles themes of feminism, conformity and control, and features a satirical critique of gender roles in modern society.

The film received mixed reviews from critics and was a moderate box office success, grossing $102 million worldwide. It has since gained a cult following and is often cited as one of the best adaptations of Ira Levin's work.

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