The movie follows the story of Emily and Jack, both in their mid-twenties and struggling to find their place in the world. They meet at a coffee shop and strike up a conversation about their love lives, or lack thereof. Emily is a career-driven woman who has no time for relationships, while Jack is still mourning the end of a long-term relationship.

As they get to know each other, they come up with the idea of a "starter marriage" – a one-year commitment to each other with the sole purpose of practicing for their future spouses. They create a set of rules for their marriage, including no sex and no living together.

At first, everything goes smoothly. They have a fun and easygoing relationship, but soon they find themselves growing closer and developing feelings they didn't expect. As the year progresses, they both have to confront the fact that they may have underestimated the emotional impact of their commitment.

Despite their initial intentions, Emily and Jack find themselves falling in love. They must decide whether to stick to their plan and part ways after a year or take a chance on something more meaningful.

The Starter Marriage is a lighthearted romantic comedy that explores the complexities of relationships and the unexpected twists and turns of love.

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