The Stairs is a horror-thriller film directed by Peter "Drago" Tiemann. The story is set in the same woods where young Jesse disappeared in 1997. The movie begins with a group of hikers who set out for an adventurous trip. They soon stumble upon a set of stairs leading to nowhere. Despite warnings from the locals, the group decides to explore the stairs and the surrounding area.

As they delve deeper into the woods, strange things start happening. The group begins to experience bizarre phenomena and hallucinations, culminating in a terrifying encounter with the entity that is responsible for Jesse's disappearance. The entity, known as "The Stair Demon", is a malevolent force that preys on the curiosity of those who dare to ascend its stairs.

One by one, the hikers fall prey to the demon as it feeds on their fears and paranoia. Only a few manage to escape, but they are forever traumatized by the events that transpired in the woods. The movie ends with the implication that the Stair Demon will continue to lure unsuspecting victims to their doom, perpetuating the cycle of fear and death.

The Stairs features a talented ensemble cast, including Adam Korson, Rachel Warren, and Brent Bailey. The movie's eerie and suspenseful atmosphere is aided by its haunting musical score and atmospheric cinematography. The film has received positive reviews for its effective use of psychological terror and its unique twist on the haunted forest subgenre.

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