The Spy Who Dumped Me is a 2018 American action comedy film directed by Susanna Fogel and starring Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon. The film follows the two best friends, Audrey and Morgan, as they become embroiled in a dangerous mission after Audrey's ex-boyfriend, who is revealed to be a CIA agent, entrusts them with a top-secret flash drive.

The movie takes the audience on a global adventure, from Los Angeles to Europe, as Audrey and Morgan dodge enemy agents and assassins while trying to deliver the flash drive to its intended destination. Along the way, they receive help from unexpected sources, including a hapless British agent, played by Justin Theroux, and a charming French spy, played by Sam Heughan.

The Spy Who Dumped Me is a non-stop action-packed comedy that showcases the comedic talents of Kunis and McKinnon as they navigate their way through dangerous situations and confront their fears and insecurities. The film received mixed reviews from critics but was praised for its strong female leads and humorous script.

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