The Spanish Prisoner is a 1997 thriller film directed by David Mamet. The story follows Joe Ross, a young inventor who has developed a revolutionary process that could be worth billions of dollars. Ross works at a seemingly lucrative corporation and has developed a trusting relationship with his boss Mr. Klein and his colleague, Susan Ricci. However, Ross soon becomes suspicious when Klein claims he needs to keep the details of the invention secret.

Things take a turn for the worse when Ross discovers that Klein and Ricci are conspiring to steal his invention and patent it under their own names. Ross becomes increasingly desperate as he tries to find a way to protect his invention and get the recognition he deserves.

As Ross searches for a way out of the mess he has found himself in, he becomes entangled in a web of deceit and betrayal. He turns to the FBI for help but quickly realizes that even they may not have his best interests at heart. Ross must use all his wits and resources to outsmart those who are trying to steal his invention and leave him penniless.

The Spanish Prisoner is a suspenseful and well-crafted thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. Mamet's signature dialogue, intricate plot twists, and strong performances from the cast make this movie a classic.

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