The Soul is a Chinese crime thriller released in 2021, directed by Cheng Wei-Hao, and starring Chang Chen, Janine Chang, and Christopher Lee. The movie follows the investigation led by prosecutor Liang Wenchao and his wife Abang to uncover the truth about the tragic death of Wang Shicong, the CEO of the well-known Kaida Group.

As the investigation proceeds, more suspects emerge, each with their own complicated connections to the victim. Dr. Wan, the deceased's long-term partner, is suspected of having an affair with Wang Shicong. Meanwhile, Wang Tianyou, the ex-wife's son, has been cut off from the family fortune and has a motive to kill.

Li Yan, the deceased's young newlywed wife, is also under suspicion. Her sudden marriage to Wang Shicong gave her access to his wealth, leading investigators to speculate whether she had ulterior motives. Even the dead ex-wife of Wang Shicong has a link to the case, questioning whether vengeance played a role.

As Liang Wenchao and Abang delve deeper into the case, they uncover secrets that unravel the web of deceit surrounding Wang Shicong's life and death. The Soul is an intricate and suspenseful thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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